Stop giving away a % of your tax relief.

R&D tax credits are admin-heavy, and you don't have the time.

So you make the call any focused founder would. Outsource it.

But in doing so, you give away 5-25% of tax relief you were awarded for your innovation.

To consultants whose fees depend on overcomplicating matters.

We believe businesses owners should keep every single penny of their hard-earned tax relief.

So we’ve rebuilt the R&D claims process to be admin-free and effortless.

With Relay, you can submit your R&D claim in-house in hours, not days.

Pay 0% commission, and put 100% of that cash back into your business.

R&D tax credit claims are broken.

Since R&D tax credits where first introduced by HMRC, claiming them has often been time-consuming and complicated. Mostly because intermediaries are incentivised to keep it that way.

Effortless claims that take a few hours, not days.

Payroll being imported from Xero into the product.


Import R&D expenses in one-click.

Payroll being imported from Xero into the product.


Add essential information via 5 questions.

Payroll being imported from Xero into the product.


Submit to HMRC within the platform.